Working with software day-to-day usually means you have to juggle project work, meetings, calls and other interrupts.
What single technique, trick, or tool do you find most useful in managing your time?
How do you stay focused?
What is your single biggest distraction from your work?
I use most of ZTD ( GTD is too sophisticated and to big for me.
Basically, I make lists of tasks. Every morning I select three which I really need to do that day. I work on them until they're done. I struggle not to get dragged to other things.
In an office, I sometimes book a conference room and work there, distraction free. I emerge from the lair when I'm finished with the three most important tasks.
The single most valuable tool that I can recommend is a "todo" list.
This may take the form of a specialised app, gadget or pen and paper, however the most important thing to remember is that new tasks should be added to the bottom of the list and tasks to be started must be taken from the top - ie. don't cherry pick your tasks, as this will leave you with a task list full of time-consuming (and often boring) jobs that will begin to drag you down.
I close email and listen to soothing music. Of course, this tactic really is all about minimizing distractions.
If you want to improve something, you first have to measure it.
I like Rescuetime. It logs all applications and websites you visit and how much time you spend there. You can tag applications/websites, i. e. with "work", "waste", "news" and get nice charts, productivity measures etc.
Recently I've started using a great little free windows app called NextAction which you can get from here.
It's greatness comes from it's simplicity and it really helps to refocus and stay on track when dealing with all the days distractions ... email, co-workers, scrums, rss feeds, twitter, lunch, coffee breaks, etc. Having a list of what I'm working on always there on the desktop makes it very easy focus after any context switch.
Much better than pencil and paper, check it out for yourself.
NOTE: There is a more comprehensive web based 'NextAction' at ... not so good for me, but maybe for others.
I enjoy going to the library. The quiet but busy, concentrated atmosphere basically forces you to work. The change of venue also seems to shut out some of the busyness and maybe worries you have in day-to-day life.