I've been interacting with Amazon S3 through S3Fox and I can't seem to delete my buckets. I select a bucket, hit delete, confirm the delete in a popup, and... nothing happens. Is there another tool that I should use?
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I've implemented bucket-destroy, a multi threaded utility that does everything it takes to delete a bucket. I handle non empty buckets, as well as version enabled bucket keys.
You can read the blog post here http://bytecoded.blogspot.com/2011/01/recursive-delete-utility-for-version.html and the instructions here http://code.google.com/p/bucket-destroy/
I've successfully deleted with it a bucket that contains double '//' in the key name, versioned key and DeleteMarker keys. Currently I'm running it on a bucket that contains ~40,000,000 so far I've been able to delete 1,200,000 in several hours on m1.large. Note that the utility is multi threaded but does not (yet) implemented shuffling (which will horizontal scaling, launching the utility on several machines).
This is what I use. Just simple ruby code.
If you have ruby (and rubygems) installed, install aws-s3 gem with
create a file
:and run it:
returned timeout exceptions a lot for me, I have expanded the script:If you use amazon's console and on a one-time basis need to clear out a bucket: You can browse to your bucket then select the top key then scroll to the bottom and then press shift on your keyboard then click on the bottom one. It will select all in between then you can right click and delete.
This is a hard problem. My solution is at http://stuff.mit.edu/~jik/software/delete-s3-bucket.pl.txt. It describes all of the things I've determined can go wrong in a comment at the top. Here's the current version of the script (if I change it, I'll put a new version at the URL but probably not here).
Remeber that S3 Buckets need to be empty before they can be deleted. The good news is that most 3rd party tools automate this process. If you are running into problems with S3Fox, I recommend trying S3FM for GUI or S3Sync for command line. Amazon has a great article describing how to use S3Sync. After setting up your variables, the key command is
Deleting buckets with lots of individual files tends to crash a lot of S3 tools because they try to display a list of all files in the directory. You need to find a way to delete in batches. The best GUI tool I've found for this purpose is Bucket Explorer. It deletes files in a S3 bucket in 1000 file chunks and does not crash when trying to open large buckets like s3Fox and S3FM.
I've also found a few scripts that you can use for this purpose. I haven't tried these scripts yet but they look pretty straightforward.
SOURCE: Tarkblog
Hope this helps!