Has anyone integrated meteor with mobile front-end frameworks?
In making mobile html5 apps look "more native" there are a number of CSS/front-end frameworks. eg:
- Meteoric http://meteoric.github.io/
- http://onsenui.io/
- http://topcoat.io/
- http://jquerymobile.com/ (shudder)
- http://goratchet.com/one.html
- http://ionicframework.com/
- App.js: http://code.kik.com/app/2/index.html
- http://lungo.tapquo.com/
- http://famo.us/
- http://goratchet.com/
- http://www.idangero.us/framework7/
- Foundation for apps
and more. In comparison to plain Bootstrap, the main benefits are:
- preloading content
- smooth full-screen page navigation
- mobile widgets with "native look" for ios/android
But these frameworks often have use their own MVC model, for example pre-loading content into offscreen DIVs and doing full-screen transitions. they often use an internal router or Pushstate which would conflict with Meteor/IronRouter. And ionic for example depends on angular...
Has anyone had success with this type of integration? Any leads appreciated.
As I understand, you are interested in any cases of mobile front-end framework integration with meteor.
Let me show you great example famo.us + meteor from Percolate Studio - guys who are doing a lot of stuff with meteor and for meteor too. Here announce in meteor blog, also video from devshop
Some useful links in blog and devshop will be a good example of successful mobile+meteor integration in production app.
It uses the ionic