We are working with a Retail client who would like to know if using multiple iBeacons throughout the store would help track a customer's exact location when they are inside the store (of course when they have the client's App installed).
I would like to know what software tools are already available for this purpose?
What is clear is that at the basic level the location of a device can be determined based on it's relative distance from multiple (at least 2) iBeacons. If so, aren't there tools that help with this?
I have not done the extensive research that I believe went into Phil's above master's thesis, but...
There is another team that has claimed to have figured this out using various AI algorithms . See this linkedin post: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6510475/6510475-5866674142035607552
As someone who develops beacons ( http://www.getgelo.com ) I can share first hand that pretty much any object will drastically change the consistency and accuracy of the RSSI which is going to make computing an exact position impossible. (Phil, I hope you prove me wrong, I haven't read your thesis yet).
If are the only person in a wide open space that has a grid of beacons then you can likely get this to work, but as soon as you add other people, walls, objects, etc, then you're SOL.
You can approximate location which is what iBeacons do and are pretty bad at, but it's directionless.
You could deploy enough beacons so that essentially wherever you are in a retail location you're standing very close to a beacon and you can have high confidence that you're in aisle 5 about 20 ft done (as opposed to being on the other side of aisle, aisle 6, and 20 ft down). Cost may become an issue here.
There are teams that are combining BLE with Wifi and other technologies to create a more accurate indoor positioning solution.
In short, and this will come as an echo of what's already been posted, BLE is not a good technology to be used solely for extremely accurate positioning.
The above problem can be solved using technology that combines Wi-Fi trilateration and a phone's sensor data. We get 1 meter accuracy in spaces that are properly outfitted when companies integrate our SDK with their app. The accuracy of these methods has improved dramatically over the last year.
The easiest way to get an exact location is to put one iBeacons at each point you care about, then have an iBeacon-aware app compare the "accuracy" field (which actually gives you a rough distance estimate i meters), and assume the user is at the iBeacon point with the lowest "accuracy" reading. Clearly, this approach will require a large number of iBeacons to give a precise location over a large floorplan.
Lots of folks have proposed triangulation-like strategies for using only a few iBeacons. This is much more complex, and there is no pre-built software to do this. While I have read a lot about people wanting or trying to do this, I have not heard any reports of folks pulling it off yet.
If you want to try this yourself, then you should realize that you are undertaking a bit of a science project, and there may be a great deal of time and effort needed to make it happen with unknown results.
Exact location is something that is unlikely to be achievable, but something within some tolerance values is certainly possible. I've not done extensive testing of this yet, but in a small 3x4m area, with three Beacons, you can get good positioning in ideal situations, the problem is that we don't normally have ideal situations!
The hard part is getting an accurate distance from the receiver to the iBeacon, RSSI (the received signal strength) is the only information we have, to turn this into a distance we use a measurement based on known signal strengths at various distances from the transmitter e.g. Qiu, T, Zhou, Y, Xia, F, Jin, N, & Feng, L 2012. This bit works well (and is already implemented with an average accuracy in the iOS SDK), but unfortunately environmental conditions such as humidity and other objects (such as people) getting between the receiver and transmitter degrade the signal unpredictably.
You can read my initial research presentation on SlideShare, which covers some basic environmental effects and shows the effect on the accuracy of measurement, it also references articles that explain how RSSI is turned into distance, and some approaches to overcome the environmental factors. However in a retail situation the top tip, is to position the iBeacons on the ceiling as this reduces the number of Human obstructions.
Trilateration is basically the same whatever you do, I've been using Gema Megantara's version. To improve the positioning further a technique will be needed that takes environmental conditions into account e.g. Hyo-Sung & Wonpil 2009.
The problem with all of this is that the RSSI signal you get back is extremely volatile. If you simply take the raw RSSI you will get very unreliable answers. You need to somehow process the data you get back before you run it through any triangulations, and that means either 1)averaging, or 2)filtering (or both). If you don't, you may get "IMMEDIATE" proximity response even though you are in fringe areas.
When discussing positioning, you need to first define your needs more concretely.
Computer/GPS geeks will assume you want accuracy down to the millimeter, if not finer, so they will either provide you with more information then you need - or tell you it can't be done[both viable answers].
However, in the REAL WORLD, most people are looking for accuracy of at most 3 feet[or 1 meter] - and most likely are willing to accept accuracy of within 10 feet[ie visual distance].
iOS already provides you with that level of accuracy - their api gives you the distance as "near, medium, far" - so within 10 feet all you need to check is that the distance is "near" or "medium".
If your needs go beyond that, then you can provide the custom functionality quite easily. You have 32 bits of information[major and minor codes] That is more then enough information to store the lattitude and longitude of each ibeacon IN the beacon itself using Morton Coding, http://www.spatial.maine.edu/~mark.a.plummer/Morton-GEOG664-Plummer.pdf
As long as altitude[height] is not a factor and no beacon will be deployed within 1 meter of another beacon - you can encode each lat/long pair into a single 32 bit integer and store it in the major and minor code.
Using just the major code, you can determine the location of the beacon[and hence the phone] to within 100 meters[conservatively]. This means that many beacons within the same 100 meter radius will have the SAME major code.
Using the minor code, you can determine the location of the beacon to within 1 meter, and the location of the phone to within 10 feet.
The code for this is already written and widely available - just look for code that demonstrates how it is "impossible" to do this, ignore what the comments about it not being possible since their focused on precision to a greater degree then you care about.
**Note: as mentioned in later posts, external factors will affect signal strength - but again this is likely not relevant for your needs. There are 3 'distances' provided by the iphone sdk, "close, near, far".
Far is the problematic one. Assume a beacon with a 150 foot range. Check with an iphone to determine what the 2 close distances are ideally... assume within 5 feet is "close" and 15 feet is "near".
If phone A is near to Beacon B[which has a known location] then you know the person is within 15 feet of point X. If there is a lot of interference, they may be 3 feet away, or they may be 15 feet, but in either case it is "within 15 feet". That's all you need.
By the same token, if you need to know if they are within 5 feet, then you use the "close" measurement.
I firmly believe that 80% of all positioning needs is provided by the current scheme - where it is not then you do your initial implementation with the limitation as a proof of concept and then contact one of the many ibeacon experts to provide the last bit of accuracy.