So, we have coding books, coding RSS feeds, and music to code by. Are there any coding magazines that anyone would recommend?
- Change value of R.string programmatically?
- Unity3D loading resources after build
- How can I share a VisualStateManager between two (
- Using @string resource inside a style definition
- Chrome tabs and processes
- How to check Android Asset resource?
- Are resource files compiled as UNICODE or ANSI cod
- Why ContextClassLoader returns path with exclamati
- Load image from embedded resource
- How to get all files from assets folder
- Display value of Resource without Label or Literal
- Override resources in library android
- The item was specified more than once in the “Reso
I really enjoy Code and asp.netPRO ... Visual Studio is so-so.
I like Embedded Systems. Even if you don't program for embedded systems, the software articles are excellent.
For the Perl crowd, there is of course The Perl Review. And for the German-speaking subset of it, there's the Foo Magazin as well.
Both the IEEE and ACM put out a number of good computing magazines, which might be of interest depending on your exact interests. I'm a subscriber to both.
Python Magazine of course ! BTW they are looking for contributors...
Visual Studio Magazine has some gems every once in awhile