I've used Vagrant for a while on a windows 7 system. Now I've a new PC with windows 10. I installed Oracle Virtual Box and Vagrant and I try to start a machine with the command vagrant up. The Vagrantfile is the same file that I used on my windows 7 system. This is the content of the Vagrantfile:
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.box = "debian/jessie64"
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "768"]
config.vm.provision :shell, path: "bootstrap.sh"
config.vm.network :private_network, ip: ""
config.vm.hostname = "www.delevensstijl.hst1.nl"
config.hostsupdater.aliases = ["www.thelifestylemethod.hst1.nl"]
The error I get: "rsync" could not be found on your PATH. Make sure that rsync is properly installed on your system and available on the PATH.
Why is Vagrant looking for rsync since I use Virtualbox? How can I workaround this error?
Seems like a bug. You can report it here. But it seems that your bug has been already reported as the issue 6631.
Nevertheless you can try to add
to yourPATH
and check the result. You can do it in 2 ways:vagrant up
from its Cygwin TerminalUsing Vagrant/VirtualBox (5.06) on Windows7 with centos/7 box from Atlas: could not find rsync on the path. So, I installed via cygwin as suggested (had other stuff to install as well, including openssh). No joy. Tried changing the shared folder config to "virtualbox" rather than "rsync". No joy. Oh, forgot to check if the VirtualBox guest additions were in the box: they were not. Rsync worked bettter, but still chocked at the end (could not chdir to the source directory of the shared folder). However, the "type: virtualbox" config did work!
So the datapoint is: centos/7 with guest additions added and shared folder type set to "virtualbox" (overriding the box setting) on windows 7 works.
Worked out of the box (no changes, no guest additions) on MacOS.
I was facing same issue on Windows 10. Removing the below line helped me to fix the issue
Directory: C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxxxx.vagrant.d\boxes\manageiq-VAGRANTSLASH-euwe\5.1.0\virtualbox
File: VagrantFile
Line to remove: config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/vagrant/sync", type: "rsync"
Next Steps:
Save the file Open cygwin terminal Go to vagrant directory Run "vagrant up"
I was able to fix this problen using another bos from C:\Users{your_username}.vagrant.d\boxes\box\subfolder\virtualbox\Vagrantfile
And adding
I've tried the advises above but it didn't help. I use Windows 7, vagrant 1.9.1 As vm box I use centos 7 without guest addition installed.
vm.box = "centos/7"
To resolve this issue change clean 'vm.box' to box with preinstalled guest addition, for example
vm.box = "geerlingguy/centos7"
And also make sure there is no vbguest plugin installed because another error appears
vagrant plugin list
vagrant plugin uninstall vagrant-vbguest
I found in another forum that the local Vagrant directory is mounted as "/vagrant" via rsync. This is set in the box itself, you can check by opening
and see the setting
to get around this I added the following line in my local Vagrantfile
and the error was resolved