I discovered this oddity:
for (long l = 4946144450195624l; l > 0; l >>= 5)
System.out.print((char) (((l & 31 | 64) % 95) + 32));
hello world
How does this work?
I discovered this oddity:
for (long l = 4946144450195624l; l > 0; l >>= 5)
System.out.print((char) (((l & 31 | 64) % 95) + 32));
hello world
How does this work?
Standard ASCII characters which are visible are in range of 32 to 127.
That's why you see 32, and 95 (127 - 32) there.
In fact each character is mapped to 5 bits here, (you can find what is 5 bit combination for each character), and then all bits are concatenated to form a large number.
Positive longs are 63 bit numbers, large enough to hold encrypted form of 12 characters. So it is large enough to hold
Hello word
, but for larger texts you shall use larger numbers, or even a BigInteger.In an application we wanted to transfer visible English Characters, Persian Characters and Symbols via SMS. As you see there are
32 (number of Persian chars) + 95 (number of English characters and standard visible symbols) = 127
possible values, which can be represented with 7 bits.We converted each UTF-8 (16 bit) character to 7 bits, and gain more than 56% compression ratio. So we could send texts with twice length in the same number of SMSs. (It is somehow the same thing happened here).
It prints "hello world" for a similar reason this does:
but for a somewhat different reason than this:
The number
fits 64 bits, its binary representation is:The program decodes a character for every 5-bits group, from right to left
5-bit codification
For 5 bits, it is posible to represent 2⁵ = 32 characters. English alphabet contains 26 letters, this leaves room for 32 - 26 = 6 symbols apart from letters. With this codification scheme you can have all 26 (one case) english letters and 6 symbols (being space among them).
Algorithm description
>>= 5
in the for-loop jumps from group to group, then the 5-bits group gets isolated ANDing the number with the mask31₁₀ = 11111₂
in the sentencel & 31
Now the code maps the 5-bit value to its corresponding 7-bit ascii character. This is the tricky part, check the binary representations for the lowercase alphabet letters in the following table:
Here you can see that the ascii characters we want to map begin with the 7th and 6th bit set (
) (except for space, which only has the 6th bit on), you couldOR
the 5-bit codification with96
(96₁₀ = 1100000₂
) and that should be enough to do the mapping, but that wouldn't work for space (darn space!)Now we know that special care has to be taken to process space at the same time as the other characters. To achieve this, the code turns the 7th bit on (but not the 6th) on the extracted 5-bit group with an OR 64
64₁₀ = 1000000₂
(l & 31 | 64
).So far the 5-bit group is of the form:
(space would be1011111₂ = 95₁₀
). If we can map space to0
unaffecting other values, then we can turn the 6th bit on and that should be all. Here is what themod 95
part comes to play, space is1011111₂ = 95₁₀
, using the mod operation(l & 31 | 64) % 95)
only space goes back to0
, and after this, the code turns the 6th bit on by adding32₁₀ = 100000₂
to the previous result,((l & 31 | 64) % 95) + 32)
transforming the 5-bit value into a valid ascii characterThe following code does the inverse process, given a lowercase string (max 12 chars), returns the 64 bit long value that could be used with the OP's code:
You are getting a result which happens to be
representation of below valuesAdding some value to above answers. Following groovy script prints intermediate values.
Here it is
I found the code slightly easier to understand when translated into PHP, as follows:
See live code