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Several ways of creating string are shown below. Questions are added following the expressions in the way of comments.
String str = "test";
String str1 = new String(str); //Will it invoke the Constructor of String(String)?
String str2 = new String("test");//Will it invoke the Constructor of String(String)?
String str3 = str; //Which Constructor will it invoke? Or str3 only reference to str and "test" without being constructed?
String str4 = "test";//Which Constructor will it invoke? Or str4 only reference to str and "test" without being constructed?
String strnew = new String("testnew");//Will this expression create "testnew" in String Constant Pool before it creates strnew?
One additional question: Is there any difference bwtween the ways of creating str3 and str4?
It might help you to understand it visually.