Is it possible to display, in the same query, information concerning different level of recursivity ?
select LEVEL, ae2.CAB, ae2.NIVEAU, ae2.ENTITE, ae2.ENTITE_PARENT, ae2.libelle
from my_table ae2
where ae2.NIVEAU = 2
start with = 'XXX'
connect by prior ae2.entite_parent = ae2.entite
With this query I have (let's say) 4 levels of information about the entity above root 'XXX'
Is it possible to display root information at the same time?
Yes, it's possible to use the CONNECT_BY_ROOT operator. For instance, if you wanted the
of the parent your query would be:You have to use a new operator for each column you want to select. You won't get information from a "different" level of recursivity using this operator, only from the root. If you want more you'll have to use recursive subquery factoring.