I am trying to validate response body including errors in postman. How can I validate the response and text below?
"responseHeader": {
"publisherId": "12345",
"responseId": "abbcb15d79d54f5dbc473e502e2242c4abbcb15d79d54f5dbc473e502e224264",
"errors": [
"errorCode": "1004",
"errorMessage": "XXXX Not Found"
These are my tests which are failing:
tests['response json contains responseHeader'] = _.has(responseJSON, 'responseHeader');
tests['response json contains errors'] = _.has(responseJSON, 'responseHeader.publisherId');
tests["Response has publisher id"] = responseJSON.publisherId === 10003;
In the "Test" tab, parse your response body into an object, then use JavaScript to perform your tests.
Take a look at the test examples at the Postman site: