I have a table student attendance.
Fields/data sample
id | studid | cls_id | smonth | syear | total_p | total_a
1 | 20 | 2 | 08 | 2015 | 2 | 1
2 | 21 | 2 | 08 | 2015 | 1 | 0
3 | 22 | 2 | 08 | 2015 | 2 | 1
I want, to check what is the total_p
and total_a
value of each students in last update and then increment 1.
If I am enter the both students are present = 1
so I want total_p value 20=3, 21=2, 22=3
How to get database field values and increment 1's.?
My controller
$present = Input::get($student->id);
if ($checkatt)
if ($present == 1)
DB::table($wys_total_attend_table)->where('studid', $student->id)
->where('smonth', $date_exploded[1])
->where('syear', $date_exploded[2])
->where('stotal_p', 1)
'stotal_p' => 1 + 1,
DB::table($wys_total_attend_table)->where('studid', $student->id)
->where('smonth', $date_exploded[1])
->where('syear', $date_exploded[2])
->where('stotal_p', 0)
'stotal_p' => 1,
'stotal_a' => 0,
} elseif ($present == 0)
DB::table($wys_total_attend_table)->where('studid', $student->id)
->where('smonth', $date_exploded[1])
->where('syear', $date_exploded[2])
->where('stotal_a', 1)
'stotal_a' => 1 + 1,
DB::table($wys_total_attend_table)->where('studid', $student->id)
->where('smonth', $date_exploded[1])
->where('syear', $date_exploded[2])
->where('stotal_a', 0)
'stotal_a' => 1,
DB::table($wys_total_attend_table)->where('studid', $student->id)
->where('smonth', $date_exploded[1])
->where('syear', $date_exploded[2])
->where('stotal_p', 1)
->where('stotal_a', 0)
'stotal_a' => 0 + 1,
I think u just want to update each record of total_p and total_a column just make it simple: