I am using Imagemagick to compare two screenshots in windows environment.
*** Settings ***
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
*** Variables ***
${IMAGE_COMPARATOR_COMMAND} C:\\"Program Files"\\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\\convert.exe
*** Test Cases ***
Image Comparison Ok
Compare Images C:/Users/user/imagecompare/Test/src/reference-screenshots/reference-1.png C:/Users/user/imagecompare/Test/src/test-screenshots/test-1.png 0.1
Image Comparison NOk
Compare Images C:/Users/user/imagecompare/Test/src/reference-screenshots/reference-1.png C:/Users/user/imagecompare/Test/src/test-screenshots/test-1.png 0.1
*** Keywords ***
Compare Images
[Arguments] ${Reference_Image_Path} ${Test_Image_Path} ${Allowed_Threshold}
${TEMP}= Replace String ${IMAGE_COMPARATOR_COMMAND} __REFERENCE__ ${Reference_Image_Path}
${COMMAND}= Replace String ${TEMP} __TEST__ ${Test_Image_Path}
Log Executing: ${COMMAND}
${RC} ${OUTPUT}= Run And Return Rc And Output ${COMMAND}
Log Return Code: ${RC}
Log Return Output: ${OUTPUT}
${RESULT} Evaluate ${OUTPUT} < ${Allowed_Threshold}
Should be True ${RESULT}
But getting the following issue:
KEYWORD BuiltIn . Log Return Output: ${OUTPUT}
Logs the given message with the given level.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20171016 15:45:38.561 / 20171016 15:45:38.562 / 00:00:00.001
15:45:38.561 INFO Return Output: The system cannot find the path specified.
00:00:00.003KEYWORD ${RESULT} = BuiltIn . Evaluate ${OUTPUT} < ${Allowed_Threshold}
Evaluates the given expression in Python and returns the results.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20171016 15:45:38.562 / 20171016 15:45:38.565 / 00:00:00.003
15:45:38.563 FAIL Evaluating expression 'The system cannot find the path specified. < 0.1' failed: SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
If you want to use the "legacy"
command with ImageMagick v7, you need to click the option during installation of ImageMagick that says "Install legacy tools".Or, use the new command which is:
rather than:
So, if you know how to change your configuration variable
toC:\\"Program File"\\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\\magick
, you can do it without re-installing ImageMagick.