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- Can't await async extension method 1 answer
i was learning how to use Async and Await c#. so i got a link
from here i try to run the code from VS2012 IDE but getting error. this function is raising error.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int contentLength = await AccessTheWebAsync();
label1.Text= String.Format("\r\nLength of the downloaded string: {0}.\r\n", contentLength);
this line giving error await AccessTheWebAsync();
The 'await' operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking this method with the 'async' modifier and changing its return type to 'Task'
what i am doing the wrong. please guide me how to run the code. thanks
You need to put async in your method, I modified your code since the Click event signature does not return int, and your method
does, so I moved it to another method async that returns int, anyway I async and await are kind of syntactic sugar and is recommended that you take a look at what really happens to your code when you use these keywords, take a look here: very clearly states that you have to decorate your method with
. Like so:Have a look here: async (C# Reference).