I'm trying to implement JWT in my authentication system and I have a few questions. To store the token, I could use cookies but it's also possible to use localStorage
or sessionStorage
Which would be the best choice?
I have read that JWT protects the site from CSRF. However, I can't imagine how that would work assuming I save the JWT token in cookie storage.
How would it then protect from CSRF?
Update 1
I saw some usage samples like the following:
curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic VE01enNFem9FZG9NRERjVEJjbXRBcWJGdTBFYTpYUU9URExINlBBOHJvUHJfSktrTHhUSTNseGNh"
How can I implement that when I make a request to server from the browser? I also saw that some implement the token in the URL:
If I would make a request via AJAX then I could set an header like jwt: [token]
and then I could read the token from header.
Update 2
I installed the Advanced REST Client Google Chrome extension and was able to pass the token as a custom header. Is it possible to set this header data via Javascript when making a GET request to the server?
Choosing the storage is more about trade-offs than trying to find a definitive best choice. Let's go through a few options:
Option 1 - Web Storage (
header with aBearer
cannot be read bysub.example.com
You leverage the browser
API to store and then retrieve the token when performing requests.Option 2 - HTTP-only cookie
You don't need to do anything client-side as the browser will automatically take care of things for you.
Option 3 - Javascript accessible cookie ignored by server-side
header with aBearer
You leverage the browser
API to store and then retrieve the token when performing requests. This API is not as fine-grained as the Web storage (you get all the cookies) so you need extra work to parse the information you need.Additional Notes
This may seem a weird option, but it does has the nice benefit that you can have storage available to a top-level domain and all sub-domains which is something Web storage won't give you. However, it's more complex to implement.
Conclusion - Final Notes
My recommendation for most common scenarios would be to go with Option 1, mostly because:
Also note that the cookie based options are also quite different, for Option 3 cookies are used purely as a storage mechanism so it's almost as if it was an implementation detail of the client-side. However, Option 2 means a more traditional way of dealing with authentication; for a further read on this cookies vs token thing you may find this article interesting: Cookies vs Tokens: The Definitive Guide.
Finally, none of the options mention it, but use of HTTPS is mandatory of course, which would mean cookies should be created appropriately to take that in consideration.
This blog post has excellent side by side comparison of browser storage vs. cookies and tackles every potential attack in each case. https://stormpath.com/blog/where-to-store-your-jwts-cookies-vs-html5-web-storage/
The shorter answer / spoiler: cookies and add xsrf token in the jwt. Detailed explanation in the blog post.
Look at this web site: https://auth0.com/blog/2014/01/07/angularjs-authentication-with-cookies-vs-token/
If you want to store them, you should use the localStorage or sessionStorage if available or cookies. You should also use the Authorization header, but instead of Basic scheme, use the Bearer one:
With JS, you could use the following code: