I have an Eloquent model (Presenters) that has three columns: id
, first_name
and last_name
. What I want to do is populate the select options so that the id is the value, and the first_name . last_name
is what is displayed.
For instance, if I had these presenters:
id, first_name, last_name
1, Billy, Bob
2, Jose, Cuervo
3, Puff, the Magic Dragon
I want something similar to this output:
<select name="presenters">
<option value="1">Billy Bob</option>
<option value="2">Jose Cuervo</option>
<option value="3">Puff the Magic Dragon</option>
I know that if I only care about the last name or first name in the select list, I can do this:
{{ Form::select("presenters", Presenter::lists("first_name", "id"), Input::old("presenters"), array( "class" => "form-control" )) }}
There are many questions already regarding populating select inputs for models in Laravel, although I haven't found one yet that shows how to populate a select input where a derived value is to be shown in each of the options rather than just a single column.
Can I use the lists
method to populate the select element, or will I need to populate my own array of values / option texts?
You've provided the answer, look at the PaulDM reply
Just adapt it, hope it works for you: