First off, I'm a total noob in mysql(i) language and know a little more than the basics of PHP.
Note: I do not manage or own / have access to the server on which the webpage currently is hosted. I can however access the phpMyAdmin page.
That said, I've got a webpage on which I am trying out some stuff. Right now I'm trying to make a log-in page linked to a database.
Now, behold the code:
$mysql_host = "localhost";
$mysql_user = "my_user";
$mysql_database = "my_database";
$mysql_password = "my_password";
$table = "my_tablename";
// Create connection
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno($con)) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
// sending query
$result = mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM my_tablename");
if (!$result) {
echo "Query to show fields from table failed! :-(";
Now, here comes the actual problem. As soon as I launch the page it will give me my "Query to show fields from table failed!" error message. But when I enter the same query on the phpMyAdmin 'SQL' tab, I get the wanted results. How come the webpage gives me an error, while the phpMyAdmin gives me the results, and, how do I solve it?
Use correct syntax:
You forgot to link current mysqli connection. First parameter is link - which mysqli connection you want to use (good for multiple conns) and then the second is your query.