Just about to try and make an install package for an app for that first time with visual studio. I have a registry value that needs to be changed when the program is installed I need the program to start everytime the computer starts.
Is this a fairly trivial task? Could someone point me towards something to try and achieve this.
So far I just have the app with it's forms etc.
I have same problem, I'm using WIX and follow the answer from this Stackoverflow question. I'm also new on WIX, here's my full WIX working script if you might interest (tested on Windows XP & Windows 8.1):
It depends the tool you used to create the install package, generally you need to add a String Value under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
like "AppName" : "AppPath" You also can achieve this by add the regstry in your code.