I have directory structure like below in my hadoop,
Now i want to create hive table with orc format as maindirec and subdirect1-5 as partiations. could anyone please let me know how it can be done. Thanks in advance.
so far
create external table temp(name string,id int) partitioned by(subd string)
row format delimited
fields terminated by '\t'
stored as orc location '/hadoop/maindirec'
alter table temp add partition(subd='subdirect1') location '/hadoop/maindirec/subdirect1' partition(subd='subdirect2') location '/hadoop/maindirec/subdirect2' partition(subd='subdirect3') location
'/hadoop/maindirec/subdirect3' partition(subd='subdirect4') location
'/hadoop/maindirec/subdirect4' partition(subd='subdirect5') location '/hadoop/maindirec/subdirect5';
select * from temp;
Failed with exception java.io.IOException:java.lang.RuntimeException: serious problem
You can use this code:(change and add column names as per your need)