I have created an app in which user select an image from gallery and that image is uploaded to the server.I tried doing it using Httprequest Library.But i m not being able to upload it.
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.post ("https://beta135.hamarisuraksha.com/Web/MobileApp/PostImsafePrflPic.aspx").send ("MODE=PP" + "&ID=" + "8" + "&ext=.jpg" + f);
request.part ("mode", "MODE=PP");
request.part ("id", "&ID=34588A34-E969-4723-84FE-E5409B66A5B7");
request.part ("ext", "&ext=.jpg");
request.part ("file", f);
String response = request.body ();
Log.e ("Image Upload", "" + response);
return response;
Also if there is any other good library which i can use to do this work,plz lemme know.
Try This code and this library add httpmime-4.1-beta1.jar :