I created a little framework for myself which I want to use in multiple projects. I also want the distributed jar-file to include all external libraries so that my projects just need to include my library to access all external libraries.
I need this to simplify updating the external libraries.
So I placed this in my build.xml which adds all libraries from dist/lib into my own jar-file.
<target name="-post-jar">
<!-- Include all java libraries -->
<fileset dir="dist/lib" id="extern.libs">
<include name="*.jar" />
<!-- Add the libraries from the fileset to the project.jar -->
<jar jarfile="${dist.jar}" update="true">
<zipgroupfileset refid="extern.libs"/>
But when I try to use external libraries like "org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component" I get the error that this library could not be found.
Is there a better way to include the external libraries into my own library so that my project can use them?
You can use One-jar or Fat Jar. If you use maven you can use maven-assembly plugin.
Depends on IDE...If you are using Eclipse then it is very easy...go to Properties->Build Path and then add library...
You can publish a Maven artifact, which users of your framework can then use without having to include the dependencies yourself--your pom is enough.
If you want to create an "all-in-one" artifact, consider something like OneJar or jarjar or Maven's Shade plugin to create a jar that has no external dependencies.
The standard classloader can't find class files inside a jar that is itself inside a jar. You must add every jar to the classpath, and not nest jars.
BTW, it would probably be a bad idea to allow nesting jars: you would end up with 6 or seven versions of commons-lang or log4j into every project, because many libraries depend on them.