In my eclispe rcp application I added a package explorer adding org.eclipse.jdt.ui
When I use my rcp-app, as I create a new Project by "New Project Wizard" to add a "General Project", the project is correctely created, but the corresponding icon in package explorer view is not loaded.
What is the plugin I have to add to my application to see that all the (platform) Icons correctly ?
Thanks a lot
This is a known issue in Eclipse RCP applications.
The work around is to add some code to your
Here's some more documentation about this issue in RCP
In this code example, I've added the images for the Project Explorer and the Problems View.
Here's what I had to add to my initialize method...
Hope this helps.
You have to register some adapters in your WorkbenchAdvisor#initialize(IWorkbenchConfigurer) method manually.
Call in this method (you'll find the IDE class in bundle
You should probably using the Project Explorer rather than the Package Explorer. The Package Explorer is Java-specific, the Project Explorer can do Java and everything else.
Here is some more information: