I have been working on Google SpreadSheet API in iOS swift, but theres a problem in updating a specific field in SpreadSheet row/data in iOS Swift,
Following is the code that adds one row on the top of spreadsheet, But I want on a particular index or matching a particular value,
let service = GTLRSheetsService()
service.authorizer = GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().currentUser.authentication.fetcherAuthorizer()
service.apiKey = Constants.GOOGLE_SPEADSHEET_API_KEY
let range = "Employee List!A2:D"
let valueRange = GTLRSheets_ValueRange.init()
valueRange.values = [[job.jobTitle!]] //want to add job title on specific field after maching employee name
let query = GTLRSheetsQuery_SpreadsheetsValuesUpdate.query(withObject: valueRange, spreadsheetId: Constants.SPREAD_SHEET_ID, range: range)
query.valueInputOption = "USER_ENTERED"
service.executeQuery(query) { (ticket, response, error) in
This Code adds job title on the top of B2 column, but I want to add this on a specific row, by checking the name and then add job against it.
PS: The data looks like this
Want to add job title by matching the particular employee name, ref to image
Can somebody help me out?
Thank you very much
You should define an exact range for a cell you are going to update. It might look like this:
And don't forget to define a right