The logic is of the model is:
- A
has manyRooms
- A
may be inside anotherRoom
(a closet, for instance--ForeignKey on 'self') - A
can only be inside anotherRoom
in the same building (this is the tricky part)
Here's the code I have:
from django.db import models
class Building(models.Model):
def __unicode__(self):
class Room(models.Model):
def __unicode__(self):
return self.number
from ex.spaces.models import Building, Room
from django.contrib import admin
class RoomAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class RoomInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Room
extra = 2
class BuildingAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines=[RoomInline], BuildingAdmin)
The inline will display only rooms in the current building (which is what I want). The problem, though, is that for the inside_room
drop down, it displays all of the rooms in the Rooms table (including those in other buildings).
In the inline of rooms
, I need to limit the inside_room
choices to only rooms
which are in the current building
(the building record currently being altered by the main BuildingAdmin
I can't figure out a way to do it with either a limit_choices_to
in the model, nor can I figure out how exactly to override the admin's inline formset properly (I feel like I should be somehow create a custom inline form, pass the building_id of the main form to the custom inline, then limit the queryset for the field's choices based on that--but I just can't wrap my head around how to do it).
Maybe this is too complex for the admin site, but it seems like something that would be generally useful...
If Daniel, after editing your question, hasn't answered - I don't think I will be much help... :-)
I'm going to suggest that you are trying to force fit into the django admin some logic that would be better off implemented as your own group of views, forms and templates.
I don't think it is possible to apply that sort of filtering to the InlineModelAdmin.
The problem in @nogus answer there's still wrong url in popup
which allow user to select wrong item in popup
To finally make it work I had to change
dictI have to admit, I didn't follow exactly what you're trying to do, but I think it's complex enough that you might want to consider not basing your site off of the admin.
I built a site once that started out with the simple admin interface, but eventually became so customized that it became very difficult to work with within the constraints of the admin. I would have been better off if I'd just started from scratch--more work at the beginning, but a lot more flexibility and less pain at the end. My rule-of-thumb would be if that what you're trying to do is not documented (ie. involves overriding admin methods, peering into the admin source code etc.) then you're probably better off not using the admin. Just me two cents. :)
In django 1.6:
Used request instance as temporary container for obj. Overrided Inline method formfield_for_foreignkey to modify queryset. This works at least on django 1.2.3.
There is limit_choices_to ForeignKey option that allows to limit the available admin choices for the object