Looking to automate the insertion of a VLOOKUP formula in a cell. When recording the macro I instruct it to populate the columns below with the same formula. Works great, however, there is an issue when the table that the VLOOKUP searches through changes (more or less rows).
As it's recorded, the VLOOKUP drops down to the final row in the table (273). However, I want to set it up so that it will go down to the very last row. Meaning that I can run the script on tables of varying numbers of rows.
Selected columns will remain the same.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=VLOOKUP(RC[-20], Previous!R2C2:R273C22,17,FALSE)"
@nbayly said it, plenty of posts on this. Infact i have provided an answer to this before here:
How to Replace RC Formula Value with Variable
below is slightly modified for a dynamic range, which is what i believe you are looking for
remember to define j as long and
replace 10 in
j = n to 10 with the starting row number
try this:
will implicitly reference the ActiveSheet
.Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
will reference "Previous" worksheet, being inside a
With Worksheets("Previous")- End With