I use the checkpoint package for reproducible data analysis. Some of the computations take a long time to compute, so I want to run those in parallel. When run in parallel however the checkpoint is not set on the workers, so I get an error message "there is no package called xy" (because it is not installed in my default library directory).
How can I make sure, that each worker uses the package versions in the checkpoint folder? I tried to set .libPaths in the foreach code but this does not seem to work. I would also prefer to set the checkpoint/libPaths once globally and not in every foreach call.
Another option could be to change the .Rprofile file, but I do not want to do this.
l <- .libPaths()
# Code to run in parallel does not make much sense of course but I wanted to keep it simple.
res <- foreach::foreach(
x = unique(iris$Species),
lib.path = l
) %dopar% {
stringr::str_c(x, "_")
Error in { : task 2 failed - "there is no package called 'stringr'"
Author of the future package here.
Passing the the library path of the master R process as a global variable
and set it for each worker using.libPaths(libs)
should be enough;FYI, it is on future's roadmap to make it easier to pass down the library path(s) to workers.
My details: