So in WebGL, I can store a texture in up to 2 dimensions- and read it in the shader using texture2D(whatever);
If i wanted to store a 3 dimensional texture so that I can read 3-dimensions worth of data on the shader, how would I do it?
Here are my ideas- and I am wondering if I am approaching it correctly:
In Javascript:
var info = [];
for (var x = 0; x < 1; x+=.1) {
for (var y = 0; y < 1; y+=.1) {
for (var z = 0; z < 1; z+=.1) {
info.push (x*y*z);
//bind texture here- whatever
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, 10, 100, 0,
gl.RGBA, gl.FLOAT, data_on_shader);
//other texture stuff
On the shader:
uniform sampler data_on_shader;
x= texture.r//
y = texture.g//
z = texture.b//
xfixed = floor(x*10.)/10. + .5;
yfixed = floor(y*10.)/10. + .5;
zfixed = floor(z*10.)/10. + .5;
float data_received = texture2D(data_on_shader, vec2(xfixed, yfixed*10. + zfixed)).r;
Something to the effect of using row major order within a 2d texture? Thoughts?
Thanks in advance!
You can simulate a 3d texture by storing each plane of the 3d texture in a 2d texture
Then a function like this will let you use it as a 3d texture
If your 3d texture was 8x8x8 then you'd make a 2d texture that is 64x8 and put each plane of the 3d texture in your 2d texture. Then, knowing that was originally 8x8x8 you'd pass in
for the size tosampleAs3DTexture
Note: the function above assumes you want bilinear filtering between the planes. If you don't you can simplify the function.
There's a video explanation of this code here which is from this sample.