I cant seem to get this peice of code to work:
$self->{_current_page} = $href;
my $response = $ua->get($href);
my $responseCode = $response->code;
if( $responseCode ne "404" ) {
my $content = LWP::Simple->get($href);
die "get failed: " . $href if (!defined $content);
Will return error: get failed: http://www.google.com
The full code is as follows:
use strict;
use URI;
use URI::http;
use File::Basename;
use DBI;
use LWP::Simple;
require LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
package Crawler;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
_url => shift,
_max_link => 0,
_local => 1
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub trim{
my( $self, $string ) = @_;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
sub process_image {
my ($self, $process_image) = @_;
$self->{_process_image} = $process_image;
sub local {
my ($self, $local) = @_;
$self->{_local} = $local;
sub max_link {
my ($self, $max_link) = @_;
$self->{_max_link} = $max_link;
sub x_more {
my ($self, $x_more) = @_;
$self->{_x_more} = $x_more;
sub resolve_href {
my ($base, $href) = @_;
my $uri = URI->new($href);
return $uri->rel($base);
sub write {
my ( $self, $ref, $data ) = @_;
open FILE, '>c:/perlscripts/' . $ref . '_' . $self->{_process_image} . '.txt';
foreach( $data ) {
print FILE $self->trim($_) . "\n";
close( FILE );
sub scrape {
my @m_error_array;
my @m_href_array;
my @href_array;
my ( $self, $DBhost, $DBuser, $DBpass, $DBname ) = @_;
my ($dbh, $query, $result, $array);
my $DNS = "dbi:mysql:$DBname:$DBhost:3306";
$dbh = DBI->connect($DNS, $DBuser, $DBpass ) or die $DBI::errstr;
if( defined( $self->{_process_image} ) && ( -e 'c:/perlscripts/href_w_' . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt" ) ) {
open ERROR_W, "<c:/perlscripts/error_w_" . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt";
open M_HREF_W, "<c:/perlscripts/m_href_w_" . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt";
open HREF_W, "<c:/perlscripts/href_w_" . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt";
@m_error_array = <ERROR_W>;
@m_href_array = <M_HREF_W>;
@href_array = <HREF_W>;
close ( ERROR_W );
close ( M_HREF_W );
close ( HREF_W );
@href_array = ( $self->{_url} );
my $z = 0;
while( @href_array ){
if( defined( $self->{_x_more} ) && $z == $self->{_x_more} ) {
if( defined( $self->{_process_image} ) ) {
$self->write( 'm_href_w', @m_href_array );
$self->write( 'href_w', @href_array );
$self->write( 'error_w', @m_error_array );
$self->{_link_count} = scalar @m_href_array;
my $href = shift( @href_array );
my $info = URI::http->new($href);
my $host = $info->host;
$host =~ s/^www\.//;
$result = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO `". $host ."` (URL) VALUES ('$href')");
if( ! $result->execute() ){
$result = $dbh->prepare("CREATE TABLE `" . $host . "` ( `ID` INT( 255 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `URL` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `ID` )) ENGINE = MYISAM ;");
$self->{_current_page} = $href;
my $response = $ua->get($href);
my $responseCode = $response->code;
if( $responseCode ne "404" ) {
my $content = LWP::Simple->get($href);
die "get failed: " . $href if (!defined $content);
#print $responseCode;
#$query = "SELECT * FROM `actwebdesigns.co.uk` ORDER BY ID DESC";
#$result = $dbh->prepare($query);
#while( $array = $result->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
# print $array->{'URL'} . "\n";
Still not working with redirect fixed.
my $redirect_limit = 10;
my $y = 0;
while( 1 && $y le $redirect_limit ) {
my $response = $ua->get($href);
my $responseCode = $response->code;
if( $responseCode == 200 || $responseCode == 301 || $responseCode == 302 ) {
if( $responseCode == 301 || $responseCode == 302 ) {
$href = $response->header('Location');
push( @m_error_array, $href );
if( $y ne $redirect_limit ) {
if( ! defined( $self->{_url_list} ) ) {
my @url_list = ( $href );
my @url_list = $self->{_url_list};
push( @url_list, $href );
$self->{_url_list} = @url_list;
my $content = LWP::Simple->get($href);
die "get failed: " . $href if (!defined $content);
#$result = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO `". $host ."` (URL) VALUES ('$href')");
#if( ! $result->execute() ){
# $result = $dbh->prepare("CREATE TABLE `" . $host . "` ( `ID` INT( 255 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `URL` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `ID` )) ENGINE = MYISAM ;");
# $result->execute();
print "good";
push( @m_error_array, $href );
Here's your problem:
That passes the string "LWP::Simple" as the first argument to 'get'. You want:
You should examine the response code to see what's happening (you're already checking for 404s). I get a 302 - a redirect.
For example:
Resulting message:
A couple of thoughts.
1/ You seems to be using the string comparison operators (le, ne) to compare numbers. You should use the numeric comparison operators (<=, !=) instead.
2/ The value you get back from the LWP::UserAgent::get call is an HTTP::Response object. Judicious use of that class's "is_foo" method might make your code a bit cleaner.
I don't know if either of these will solve your problem. But they'll improve the quality of your code.
Check your SELinux settings.
SELINUX enabled systems will not allow an outgoing connection from a web agent (httpd).
This page can tell you more about SELinux and HTTPD settings: http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/SelinuxBooleans
Enable outbound web connections from Apache in a Perl script: