I am having a Java object and now I want to convert it into binary form (binary protocol) and send across the network and a C client will receive it and print the contents. Like I have a student.java class
Student .java
import java.io.Serializable; public class Student implements Serializable { public String name; public int id; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; }
import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.net.Socket; public class Client{ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Student s1 = new Student(); s1.setId(10); s1.setName("abc"); Socket clientSocket = new Socket("localhost", 7777); DataOutputStream outToServer = new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream()); try{ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("data.ser"); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream()); oos.writeObject(s1); //oos.close(); //fos.close(); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } clientSocket.close(); } }
And the last is my server.c which is in c language
/* C socket server example */
#include<string.h> //strlen
#include<arpa/inet.h> //inet_addr
#include<unistd.h> //write
int main(int argc , char *argv[])
int socket_desc , client_sock , c , read_size;
struct sockaddr_in server , client;
char client_message[2000];
//Create socket
socket_desc = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0);
if (socket_desc == -1)
printf("Could not create socket");
puts("Socket created");
//Prepare the sockaddr_in structure
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
server.sin_port = htons( 7777 );
if( bind(socket_desc,(struct sockaddr *)&server , sizeof(server)) < 0)
//print the error message
perror("bind failed. Error");
return 1;
puts("bind done");
listen(socket_desc , 3);
//Accept and incoming connection
puts("Waiting for incoming connections...");
c = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
//accept connection from an incoming client
client_sock = accept(socket_desc, (struct sockaddr *)&client, (socklen_t*)&c);
if (client_sock < 0)
perror("accept failed");
return 1;
puts("Connection accepted");
//Receive a message from client
while( (read_size = recv(client_sock , client_message , 2000 , 0)) > 0 )
//Send the message back to client
printf("\n%s", client_message);
write(client_sock , client_message , strlen(client_message));
if(read_size == 0)
puts("Client disconnected");
else if(read_size == -1)
perror("recv failed");
return 0;
when I am running the server and client. I am geeting output like this
I want the output should be name and Id of the student printed on the server.
Please provide your suggestion or any alternate on the same
Try CBOR: RFC 7049 Concise Binary Object Representation
One standard way to do this is to use CORBA and IIOP.
IIOP is a standard for transmitting binary data over the wire and is also supported by compliant Java EE implementations.
You define your objects using IDL (Interface Design Language) and then use this to generate corresponding C structs or C++ classes, Java classes or even Python classes.
You will need to set up an ORB (Object Request Broker) on the C/C++ side. There is (or used to be) a few open source versions of these around, such as OmniORB.
You can take a look at CORBA or Thrift, which provide basic client and server implementations for cross-language communication.
I've used both of them in the past (I prefer Thrift) and it supports data conversion between these languages (Provides API's to retrieve them as well).
However one overhead is that you need to create a contract up front (interface or idl or thrift files, which are pretty straight forward to use) as to how the objects should look like.
On building these contract, they generate jars/headerfiles which can be included in the code So you don't have to create those class files manually in java/cpp.
You can refer to the links provided for moreinfo.