I am downloading rasa core and the NLU. But installing rasa core is presenting a frustrating error I do not understand.
pip install rasa_core
Results in an error
Installing collected packages: pyparsing, kiwisolver, matplotlib, rasa-nlu, graphviz, redis, fakeredis, decorator, networkx, fbmessenger, click, itsdangerous, flask, jsonpickle, h5py, Keras, tzlocal, apscheduler, websocket-client, slackclient, python-telegram-bot, ply, pandoc, packaging, snowballstemmer, alabaster, sphinxcontrib-websupport, babel, imagesize, sphinx, nbsphinx, monotonic, humanfriendly, coloredlogs, docopt, pykwalify, ConfigArgParse, ruamel.ordereddict, ruamel.yaml, rasa-core
Found existing installation: pyparsing 1.5.6
Cannot uninstall 'pyparsing'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.
I can not find any information on this error or a work around? My python version is 2.7 but I don't think that would make a difference. I also don't under stand why it would want to uninstall the package to then re install it (Upgrade?).
If you want to uninstall python package which is part of distutils, you can manually remove the folder from 'site-packages' folder. If it is Anaconda distribution, it will be in following folder. I suggest to cut the folder and paste it somewhere else for backup purpose.
Following 2 items needs to be removed.
Either remove the package manually or overwrite it: