I have a tab bar app. Under one of the tabs i want a uisegmentedControl in the top navigation view, that controls what view is currently displayed. This is dead easy if i just exchange the view, but i want to do it in a more organized and generic way, by using one uiviewcontroller for each view and exchanging them in the most optimzed way.
i guess step one would be to know exactly what a tabbar controller sends to a navigation controller/view controller when a tab is changed, and work it out from there.
Can any one point me in the right direction?
Just exchanging the views and keeping up with the current view's viewController is the best way to implement a UISegmentedControl in this regard.
Note: by exchanging the views i mean adding a subview to the current view and removing the old one.
You might be interested in the method below, which is implemented by the UITabBarControllerDelegate
Some time ago I stumbled upon
which I found in this blog entry from red artisan.I used it in conjunction with a UITabBarController, but without knowing I did it wrong. Not wrong as in "it crashs" or "it doesn't do what i want" but wrong in the sense that I have to forward each UIViewController call (like viewDidAppear, receivedMemoryWarning etc) to the child viewControllers. The app with the wrong code is still in the app store and I never received a complain about it.
But I played around a while and figured out how to use it right. It's a bit of a hassle but imho it's absolutely worth it. I'll show you the correct version that I have right now, I'm creating the UITabBarController in Interface Builder so I have to change the tab in code. Which introduces another piece of mess, and maybe there is room for improvements. But right now I'm satisfied with this solution.
as you see it needs a bit of setup, but in my opinion this solution is better than anything else I've tried throughout the time. I hope I de-NDAed the code correctly.
Edit: Uploaded a sample project: BeautifulColors.zip