I am using the YouTube Analytics API to get analytics for specific queries.
For channel queries it works great. Problems occurred, when I execute a query for a specific video..like this (start is defined):
* deviceType-stats
$optparams = array('dimensions' => 'deviceType',
"filters" => "video==" . $videoId,
$currentDate = date("Y-m-d", time());
$resDeviceTypes = $youtubeService->analytics->reports->query(
"channel==" . $videoendorsement->ytchannelid
I don't get any result ROWS for this query, but only for some video Ids. For other video Ids it works. Btw: The videos where I don't get any result ROWS are online since 2 days on YouTube. Do I have to wait a little bit longer since I get a result from API?!
Overall there is additionally a problem to get demography and geography for any video. Doesn't matter which video Id I use, I don't get any result ROWS for demography and geography stats.
Does anybody know where the problem is?
When no results match the criteria specified, no rows are returned. For example, if you query for a range of dates prior to a video being published.