How can I dynamicaly create xhtml elements with javascript? I want to add a checkbox inside a table cell.
So I want the code to look like this:
<input type="checkbox" />
Unfortunatly the slash at the end of the input element is not added thus making it not xhtml compatible. The result of my code looks like this:
<input type="checkbox">
I tried both innerHTML as createElement but both didn't add the slash.
cell.innerHTML = "<input type='checkbox' />";
var checkbox = document.createElement("input");
checkbox.type = "checkbox";
Is there a way to add an xhtml emement?
XHTML is just another input language into the common DOM. What sets XHTML syntax apart is how it is *parsed**, not how it is represented in the DOM. So your code is fine - you ARE adding the element successfully, it's just translated when it hits the DOM.
* except Internet Explorer, which, despite declaring XHTML as the doctype, IE will parse it as HTML anyway.