I want Siri to show me specific content in IntentViewController
of Siri on my specific Command. I have tried adding a .plist
to .lproj
but it didn't work for me.
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I could not understand what you want to do so I want to give an advice that you can't use INSendMessageIntent outside of its capabilities. That means you should use some keywords for your custom sentences to make Siri understand your custom command for the INSendMessageIntent.
After you created the AppIntentVocabulary.plist file, it needs to be send to the Apple Siri Servers. You can achieve this by changing your iPhone Siri language to a different one that you know, then use a simple siri message process with that language.
Then again change it to the language you want.
Do this each time you change the AppIntentVocabulary.plist.