I have a problem with tabView. The 1st tab should always display the same content (called search template which is identified with #{not curSearch.isClosable()}. All other tabs are search instances (identified with #{curSearch.isClosable()}
Here is the code:
<p:tabView id="searchTabViewId" var="curSearch" value="#{searchBL.searchInstances}"
activeIndex="#{searchBL.activeTabIndex}" styleClass="searchTabView">
<!-- search template tab -->
<ui:include src="/icarchive/sections/search/firstSearchTab.xhtml">
<ui:param name="curSearch" value="#{curSearch}" />
<!-- search instances tabs -->
<ui:include src="/icarchive/sections/search/searchInstanceTab.xhtml">
<ui:param name="curSearch" value="#{curSearch}" />
Unfortunately there are methods on the 1st tabs curSearch object called which are used on 2nd and following tabs only. If I do not use the ui:insert it does not change anything. Anybody knows where is my fault?
Regards Oliver
I had the same problem, only solution i found is wrap include in other component and clamp with render which one is displayed. For initial load if you have ids depending on content you will need to set id prefix so that it does not allow empty id fields:
This works: