It's almost a year since Unable to download Pellet plugin for Protege 4.3 suggested that it's not available for this version. Has anything changed?
- Calculate the depth of subclass in the OWL ontolog
- MVC2 - Consume RSS feed with RDF and namespace htt
- RDFlib 'on disk' store
- owl:someValuesFrom vs. owl:minCardinalilty
- jena.query.ResultSet and jena.query.QuerySolution:
- RDF libraries for Scala [closed]
- The difference between blank nodes and variables i
- Triple extraction from a sentance
- Meaning of owl:hasValue?
- boundary for arbitrary property path in SPARQL 1.1
- sparql complete tree from subject
- Jena Fuseki assembler file + TDB + OWL reasoner
- Can I combine local and remote dataset within SPAR
It should be possible to download it from their github and just drop it into Progégé's plugins folder: