I'm trying to zoom a DisplayObject into a certain point. I figured it would be easy, but I've spent a day now trying to figure it out.
Basically, I think this should work. Emphasis on should.
//newPoint is the point being centered. There is no initial scaling, so I do not need to compensate for that (yet)
//scale is the zoom level
//container is the parent of the obj
//obj is the object being scaled/panned
var p:Point = new Point(
( this.container.width - this.obj.width * scale + newPoint.x * scale ) / 2,
( this.container.height - this.obj.height * scale + newPoint.y * scale ) / 2
this.obj.scaleX = this.obj.scaleY = scale;
this.obj.x = p.x;
this.obj.y = p.y;
It centers the point if scale is 1, but it gets further and further away from center as you increase the scale. I've tried dozens of different methods. This method, which I have seen on several sites, produced the same exact results. Anyone have any idea how to get this to work?
EDIT 10-1-12: As a followup, I took the code snippet that LondonDrugs_MediaServices provided as a basis for my original issue. I needed to be able to zoom to a specific point at a specific scale relative to the unscaled image (think how Google Maps zooms to a specific location). To do this, I had to center my image on the point before running the translation code. I've posted the additional code below. For other uses (pinch to zoom, scrolling, and double click), I used the code provided by Vesper, which worked quite well.
//obj is the object being translated
//container is its parent
//x and y are the coordinates to be zoomed to, in untranslated scaling
//obj.scaleX and obj.scaleY are always identical in my class, so there is no need to account for that
//calculates current center point, with scaling
var center:Point = new Point( ( this.container.width - this.obj.width * this.obj.scaleX ) / 2, ( this.container.height - this.obj.height * this.obj.scaleX ) / 2 );
//calulcates the distance from center the point is, with scaling
var distanceFromCenter:Point = new Point( this.obj.width * this.obj.scaleX / 2 - x * this.obj.scaleX, this.obj.height * this.obj.scaleX / 2 - y * this.obj.scaleX );
//center the object on that specific point
this.obj.x = center.x + distanceFromCenter.x;
this.obj.y = center.y + distanceFromCenter.y;
hie guys.... thank's your comments... i found the answer... code :
gambar.addEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM , onZoom);
function onZoom(event:TransformGestureEvent):void {
The matrix answer is absolutely correct, but if you happen to be a Club GreenSock member you can get some nice functionality with very simple code with the TransformAroundPointPlugin
You can see an example in the plugin explorer here: http://www.greensock.com/tweenlite/#plugins
I use this to tween all my zooms and have much better performance than when I tried to do this manually. IMO the whole library is worth it's weight in gold (and no I have no connection other than liking the library). If you need any of the other features I'd look into it. It also has the ThrowProps plugin ( http://www.greensock.com/throwprops/ )which is very important if you are going to have a bounding box on mobile that you want to have a smooth return into the boundaries.
The core point is that scaling is done around (0,0), but you can do it with matrix that describes affine transformations. You first make an empty matrix (that is, a matrix that doesn't transform), then apply a set of transformations to it. First, place a desired point at (0,0) by translating by -1*coordinates, then scale, then translate back.
Set obj.x to -p.x and obj.y to -p.y, set the container scaleX and scaleY to the desired value and add p.x to the container x and p.y to the container y. Done!