I have the following JQ. It's basically adding a little icon that will allow for some inline editing when a list item is selected. However, I am unable to work with the jquery added content. I cant even log anything to console when I click my JQ added content. Is there something wrong with my code below?
I can not add a fiddle, because I dont have a link to the Kendo UI libraries, that this list is using.
$(function () {
$("#treeview-left li").click(function () {
$(this).find(".k-state-focused").append("<div id='EditEntity'> <a href='#' id='EditWindow' class='icon-pencil active tiny'></a></div>");
$(".k-state-selected").on("click", "a#EditWindow", function (e) {
$.get("ClassificationEditEntity", function (data) {
you need delegated event as html is dynamically added after DOM load:
See HERE at the last of the page details of delegated events.