AQL Query returns a Promise

2019-03-03 15:12发布

I have been trying to get a query result from Arangodb in to my front end service(Angular 4) using soap message. I am able to get a result of the query but printed out in console.log. But how can I get it under this function(myService). In other words, How can I feed my query result into a function rather than printing out the result in console. So that I can use this function to get the output of the query?

I have used .then() as well in order to get the promise.What am I still missing in it ?


var myService = db.query(aqlQuery`
                LET startVertex = (FOR doc IN spec
                FILTER doc.serial_no == '"123456abcde"'
                LIMIT 2
                RETURN doc

               FOR v IN 1 ANY startVertex belongs_to
               RETURN v.ip`,
                 bindVar1: 'value',
                 bindVar2: 'value',
               })..then(function(res) {
                   console.log("documents:" + res._result);

I would like to feed the function into soap msg and receive it Angular 4,

soap msg

var soap_msg = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:examples:CheckUserNameService">' +
  '<soapenv:Header/>' +
  '<soapenv:Body>' +
  '<urn:CheckUserNameResponse soapenv:encodingStyle="">' +
  '<status xsi:type="xsd:string">' + (myService) + '</status>' +
  '</urn:CheckUserNameResponse>' +
  '</soapenv:Body>' +
var server = http.createServer(function(request,response) {

var port = 8000;
var soapServer = soap.listen(server, '/test', myService, xml);

But the output is either empty braces If I am using JSON.stringify or else it is [object Promise]. What am I doing wrong here ?

output enter image description here

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