<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ripple xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<item android:state_selected="true">
<item android:left="-5dp"
<shape android:shape="rectangle">
<stroke android:width="3dp"
<solid android:color="@android:color/transparent"/>
<item android:state_selected="false">
<shape android:shape="rectangle">
<solid android:color="@android:color/transparent"/>
here is my ripple drawable and i want to change the state_selected, solid color.
code i've tried:
RippleDrawable rippleDrawable = (RippleDrawable) textView.getBackground(); // assumes bg is a RippleDrawable
int[][] states = new int[][]{new int[]{android.R.attr.state_selected}};
int[] colors = new int[]{R.color.white};
ColorStateList colorStateList = new ColorStateList(states, colors);
unfortuantely it doesn't work.. what am I missing and is this possible?
You should add an id to items to access them via java/kotlin.
check this background XML file
to change the solid color of this, on constraintLayout background, this drawable XML is applied
for reference read this