I have tried to resolve dependencies from local filesystem; to do so, I have wrote ivy.xml, ivyconf.xml and build.xml. However, my scripts donot work and couldnot resolve dependencies i.e. couldnot find jar files. What is the problem behind it? And, how can I solve it?
[ivy:resolve] com.google.guava#guava;17.0: configuration not found in
com.google.guava#guava;17.0: 'public'. It was required from
.. runtime
project hierarchy
| - - src
| - - lib
| - - guava.jar
| - - conf
| - - ant
| - - build.xml
| - - ivy
| - - ivy.xml
| - - ivyconf.xml
ivy.xml file
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<configurations defaultconfmapping="runtime->public">
<conf name="compile" visibility="private"/>
<conf name="jar"
<conf name="runtime"
<dependency org="com.google.guava" name="guava" rev="17.0" conf="runtime->public"/>
lastly, ivyconf.xml
<conf defaultresolver="local"/>
<filesystem name="local">
<artifact pattern="${lib.dir}/**/*.jar" />
I was sure my ivy configuration was right and I still kept getting the error. I am not sure how but my IVY cache was messed up. Clearing the cache (I used rm -rf) and running the build again do it.
Your ivy configuration file is invalid ("resolvers" not "resolves"). Additionally you're going to have problems with dependency versioning if the jar file does not contain a version in the filename.
My suggestion is to use the following ivy configuration file:
You'll then have a choice of declaring your dependencies as follows:
The first will retrieve from the Maven central repository, the second will retrieve from your local filesystem.
See the following answers for more examples of this approach:
Hope this helps.