I'm passing a Function in a Java 8 map operation and Intellij tells me that it can be replaced with a lambda expression. But I don't see how I can do it without creating an intermediate object structure.
Here is what I do :
List<DocumentResult> documentResults = objects.getObject().stream()
.map(new Function<ObjectType, DocumentResult>() {
public DocumentResult apply(ObjectType objectType) {
String[] keys = objectType.getStorageKey().getObjectName().split("/");
DocumentResult result = new DocumentResult(DocCategories.valueByLabel(keys[1]), DocCategoryGroups.valueByLabel(keys[2]), DocSubCategories.valueByLabel(keys[3]), keys[4], keys[5]);
return result;
And what I think Intellij advise me to do :
List<DocumentResult> documentResults = objects.getObject().stream()
.map(object -> object.getStorageKey().getObjectName().split("/"))
.map(tab -> new DocumentResult(DocCategories.valueByLabel(tab[1]), DocCategoryGroups.valueByLabel(tab[2]), DocSubCategories.valueByLabel(tab[3]), tab[4], tab[5]))
I don't know a clean way to get the objectType.getTempUrl().getFullUrl() part I retrieved in my anonymous Function, any suggestions?
You can always just write
...just using a normal multi-line lambda.