How can I add a .cpp class (like speex or opus) into my android studio project ? I already tried to insert using externalNativeBuild like :
externalNativeBuild {
ndkBuild {
arguments ""
abiFilters "armeabi", "armeabi-v7a", "x86"
cFlags "-I\$(LOCAL_PATH)/jnispeex.cpp -I\$(LOCAL_PATH)/jnicelt11.cpp -I\$(LOCAL_PATH)/jnicelt7.cpp -I\$(LOCAL_PATH)/jniopus -D__EMX__ -DUSE_KISS_FFT -DFIXED_POINT -DEXPORT='' -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -fvisibility=hidden -DOPUS_BUILD -DVAR_ARRAYS -Wno-traditional -DFIXED_POINT"
but it does't work. I will be so appreciated if anyone helps
you should use
for your Android NDK build and configure your CPP files inside theCmakelists.txt
. Some related links for your reference:
Where to place JNI/native libraries in Android Studio Project