I am arriving on bookDetails
state form some other link. Here bookDetails
state's template has links for different tabs
(or templates). And associated controller EditBookController
has a json file using which I am building forms in different tabs
with states like bookDetails.basic
and bookDetails.publisher
which use parent EditBookController
. It's working fine. How to directly display the default bookDetails.basic
instead of making user click the link? If I make bookDetails
abstract(abbstract:true) and provide an empty link to bookDetails.basic
I get following error Cannot transition to abstract state 'bookDetails'
.state('home', {
controller: 'HomeController',
templateUrl: '/static/publisher/views/Publisher_Home_Template.html'
.state('books', {
controller: 'BooksController',
templateUrl: '/static/publisher/views/Book_Listing_Template.html'
.state('bookDetails', {
url : '/books/:b_id',
controller: 'EditBookController',
templateUrl: '/static/publisher/views/Product_Page_Template.html'
.state('bookDetails.basic', {
url : '/basic',
templateUrl: '/static/publisher/views/tab1.html'
.state('bookDetails.publisher', {
url : '/publisher',
templateUrl: '/static/publisher/views/tab2.html'
A plunk with similar problem. but code is different On clicking form it should land on the profile profile form.
I created working example here
There is similar question: Redirect a state to default substate with UI-Router in AngularJS
The solution comes from a cool "comment" related to an issue with redirection using
(https://stackoverflow.com/a/27131114/1679310) and really cool solution for it (by Chris T, but the original post was by yahyaKacem)https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/1584#issuecomment-75137373
In the state definition I added ONLY one setting to
state, the:redirectTo: 'bookDetails.basic',
. Let's have a look:And now - only these few lines will do the miracle:
This way we can adjust any of our states with its default redirection...Check it here
Try to add
inside EditBookController. If I understood you< this will help.From Directing the user to a child state when they are transitioning to its parent state using UI-Router:
Either change the
state to:Or add the following routing: