I got this error while trying to start and make javafx 2.0 in eclipse helios
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: expected file name as argument
at com.sun.javafx.css.parser.Css2Bin.main(Css2Bin.java:44)
Recently I'm following step-by-step to Getting Started with JavaFX 2.0 in Eclipse IDE
from this - website
I don't know how to fix it, can somebody help me? Thanks
I had this same problem (in e(fx)clipse). I tried the solution mentioned above and still had the same problem. I added a new run configuration and pointed it directly to the class thar had Main and that worked for me.
we can run as the Appllcation to solve the problem
This problem comes from Css2Bin being set as the application to run. This means that eclipse tries to run Css2Bin as your main application and Css2Bin crashes when it doesn't receive any command line arguments.
Easiest way to solve this is to remove Css2Bin from you run/debug settings (project settings) and add one where you select your own application in the menus.
It's easy you need to have a main Class that extends Application Class for Launch the Args like that :
if you don't depend on running in helios I'd suggest you'd give e(fx)clipse a try. You can find it at http://www.efxclipse.org/
Now be happy!