I have an array of buttons and when I append them to a view I want the to be positioned around a image view which is in the center. Based on how many objects there are in the array, I want them to be evenly spaced around the whole circle. Below is my attempt to do so. What am I doing wrong and how should I fix it? There is more than one button behind the moose.
var userbutton = [UIButton]()
var upimage = [UIImage]()
var locationpic = [AnyObject]()
func locationsSet(){
for (index, users) in upimage.enumerate() {
let userbutton = UIButton()
userbutton.addTarget(self, action: "buttonAction:", forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
userbutton.frame = CGRectMake(100, 100, 50, 50)
userbutton.layer.cornerRadius = userbutton.frame.size.width/2
userbutton.clipsToBounds = true
userbutton.setImage(users, forState: .Normal)
let radians = CGFloat(M_PI) * 2.0 / CGFloat(upimage.count) * CGFloat(index)
let centerx = self.view.bounds.width / 2.0
let radius = currentuserpic.frame.size.width / 2.0
let centery = self.view.bounds.height / 2.0
let pointx = centerx + cos(radians) * (radius + 40)
let pointy = (centery) + (sin(radians)) * (radius + 40)
userbutton.center.x = pointx
userbutton.center.y = pointy
How I would do this:
Create an extension to UIView to get the diagonal and radius. These are handy because we want our "satellites" to have predictable placing even when the "planet" isn't square.
This will return a point based on an angle and a distance from an origin. It uses dreadful trigonometry.
Now the real function. Generate a bunch of points in a circle pattern. I used a running sum for the angle instead of multiplying each time by the index. This just returns the centre points for the views.
Now you can create a simple function that takes a view, a margin and an array of "satellite" views. It will set their centre and add them to the superview of the view we used to input. It makes sense not to add them to the view itself since they might not be placed inside it.
Notice how I did nothing except for the centre calculations in these functions. Styling them goes in another function. This makes it super easy to maintain and debug.
I might even let the last function just return the subviews with updated frames and add them later.
Or negative margin :)
A full circle is 2 * pi radians. You need to divide that by the number of items you have and multiply that by the index of the item you are currently processing. Use trig to find the location on the circle: