I just started to learn Javascript, and callback functions seem hard to understand. One question I have is how javascript matches the parameters in a callback function? for example in the following forEach loop:
var friends = ['Mike', 'Stacy', 'Andy', 'Rick'];
friends.forEach(function(eachName, index){
console.log(index + 1 + ". " + eachName);
Is it by default that the forEach function will pass index to the second parameter and entry to the first parameter in the callback function?
In order to master callback functions, do I need to check the API (in this case, forEach) every time I use it?
Ya it's by default.To start using a function better if you refer some API.
I have used MDN for that.
Yes; this is part of the specification. In fact, it also passes the array being iterated as the third argument.
(Emphasis mine.)
Well, they’re pretty consistent with each other, so you’ll remember at some point.
, andsome
also work in this way.