From last 3 days I'm getting this error and have tried all i could. Can anyone help me correct it. I'm using Android 3.0 and my sdk and Google play services are updated as well as i have addedmultiDexEnabled true
to my code...and also tried deleting the .gradle and .idea folders and again rebuilding the....but the error is still there any help would be appreciated
Error converting bytecode to dex: Cause: dex files define Landroid/arch/lifecycle/liveData$1;
I've just met the same issue and fixed it by updating the version of lifecycle library:
It seems that another library using in my project declare the version 1.1.0, but i was using 1.0.0.
Had the same issue, all I had to do was to update all the libraries I was using to their respective new updates and sync the gradle and rebuild and run again This worked for me
This should be related to incompatible versions in your gradle library. can you past your gradle libraries here
Did you add the dependence in your build.gradle?
I updated libraries with new version. Need to declare all the android base libraries in the same version(If you update some libraries with new version and using some in older one will cause this kind of exception).
Try the menu "Invalidate Caches / Restart...", under the File menu.