Is it possible to add a new Activity type on the Task work item in VSTS and, if so, how can I do it? Thanks!
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For VSTS, you can not change system fields (such as Activity) in System processes (Agile, Scrum and CMMI).
The workaround is create an inherited prcess and a new field to replace the system Activity field.
Such as if you are using Agile system process, you can create an inherited process (myagile) from Agile, then change your team project to the inherited process. And add a new field (such as Activity1) to replace the system Activity field. Detail steps as below:
Create inherited process
In Process Tab ( -> Create inherited process from system process -> input the name (such as myagile) -> Create.
Change your team project to use inherited process
button for the inherited process myagile -> Change team projects to use myagile -> select your team project which you want to use the inherited process -> OK.Add a new field for Task WIT
Click the inherited process (myagile) -> Task -> New field ->cCreate the field Activity1 with picklist(string) type -> add values as system Activity field has (Deployment, Design, Development, Documentation, Requirements and Testing) -> add the new value you want to add (such as MyActivity) -> Layout Tab -> Change the Label as Activity -> Add field.
Replace custom field Activity1 to replace system Activity field
button for the system Activity field -> Hide from layout -> move the custom Activity1 field to the same position of the system Activity field.Now you can select the new added value from Activity (Activity1 field) dropdown list.