I want to compose 2 videos into 1 video by putting side by side. I also hope to set start/stop time for each video. Final video should be H264/AAC codec and mp4 format. I attached sample videos. https://www.dropbox.com/s/e5eouyrrqsy44ts/1.webm?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/u0zqie0icxamt3q/2.webm?dl=0
I used the following ffmpeg command.
ffmpeg -i 1.webm -i 2.webm -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]hstack" output.mp4
When I run this command on Terminal of Mac OS X 10.11, It gave me the following error.
Input 1 height 480 does not match input 0 height.
The video are from smartphone, so its orientation is not correct. Please help me to make composed video with FFmpeg.
For this set of videos, you need
The writing application hasn't written the stream attributes correctly. The videos should be tagged as 480x640. It's not about a missing rotation tag, as the frame context changes.