My team uses a common naming convention for branch names, which include the Jira task number in the branch name.
I want to create a git alias
that will automatically stub out a commit message which includes the Jira task number. Ideally some bash script that will parse the branch name and echo out the commit -m
command with the first part of the message pre-created.
- I need to
out the commmit message.
I need to pull ACD-1664
from feature/ACD-1664_update-api-call
- Echo this string out into the terminal in a stubbed-out
command like:
git commit -m "ACD-1664 | <cursor>"
Although this is not the solution you requested, I'd like to hint at another way to cover this, with a commit hook :
You can put in .git/hooks a commit-msg file with these contents :
(Thanks guys for the improvements in bash syntax made with your help here)
Then it would automatically prepend your commit messages with the branch name, which does the trick in JIRA.
For the rare occasions when you'd prefer NOT to trigger the hook, do this :